Woman single quotes
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Dating > Woman single quotes
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We can do no great things, only small things with great love. What you can accomplish!
If it was not for my GREAT friends and family I would too be dead. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. To have the opportunity to cultivate wonder and worship in the hearts and minds of the younger ones God has placed in our path should not be met as a chore, but as a privilege. Never be ashamed of how you feel. The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be met nor touched but are felt in woman single quotes heart.
Just get up and dance. Fiery when protecting those you love.
Single Women Quotes - ~ African proverb ~ A woman is the full circle.
At age 14, Scott decided never to have children. It was a lifestyle Scott didn't want to mimic. If being a mother is something a woman wants, then by all means, she should pursue it. When she wants it. How she wants it. And with whom she wants it. If, on the other hand, motherhood is not something she desires, then she should have the right to avoid it... As a married woman with no children yet , I feel the tension Scott describes. Not because I want what she would view as the encumbered life, but because I do want it. But mainly this is hard because our definitions are all wrong. If this is what true motherhood is, I can't blame Scott for eschewing it. And what about all the women out there who long for this kind of self-fulfillment but can't seem to attain it? Here's the thing: Motherhood was never about choice to begin with. It was never intended as a calling for some and not for others. Scott, womanhood is motherhood. But not how we've been defining it. In the church today, there are growing numbers of childless women. They're the women who would love to have a ring on their finger and a man on their arm. They're the women who may be in the thick of fertility treatments or suffering the silent grief of miscarriage. They're the women who have long ago given up hope of ever carrying a child, much less seeing one graduate from college. These women have been given a glorious freedom to invest in the lives of children in ways that others cannot. They can choose to volunteer extra hours in the church nursery, providing much needed respite for many weary biological mothers. They can choose to sacrifice a quiet evening with a bowl of ice cream and a Red Box to shepherd 15 year olds at youth group. They can opt to travel halfway across the world to love on children without mothers. Some of them may even be called to travel halfway across the world to make those same children their very own through adoption. It should be for us, too. Similarly, the good life is the parenting life. And when the Apostle Paul instructed older women to teach the younger women , he wasn't giving any woman — single, married, fertile, infertile — the prerogative to spurn motherhood. Rather he set it up as the high calling of all women: to embrace the place where they have been put; to find the children — biological, adopted and spiritual — who have been put in their path; and nurture them unto a life of discipleship. Not only is mothering a high calling, it is a delight. To have the opportunity to cultivate wonder and worship in the hearts and minds of the younger ones God has placed in our path should not be taken as a chore, but as a privilege. Having children isn't about making sure there are enough taxpayers to support us when we're the ones looking to cash in our Social Security checks. It's about raising up the next generation of Jesus followers. As Christian women, let's not settle for anything less than the truly free life. The gloriously encumbered life.